vanowen, north hollywood CA
This 1940s warehouse abuts the Burbank airport and housed one of the Los Angeles Times’ San Fernando Valley distribution centers for years. The changing demographic and economy of the San Fernando Valley today demands an adaptation of these types of buildings — formerly used for storage and light-industrial purposes. As office space costs rise in the centralized areas of L.A. and Hollywood, a diverse set of users are now seeking spaces for creative office space use in the San Fernando Valley region: mostly post-production houses for the entertainment industry, entertainment-related tech and tech start-ups.
WGA’s design improvements to the property include an exterior face-lift and updated, unifying concept for the entire exterior of the 65,000 square foot building. Inside, two 10,000 square foot suites were demised and improved with a clean-industrial and streamlined finish package, new HVAC, ADA improvements, bathrooms, kitchenettes and conference rooms. Daylighting and energy upgrades included refurbishing all existing operable clerestory and side window systems — an original element to the building from 1947, that adds natural light and a historical authenticity and warmth to the project.