page layout of the Unscene LA publication, image by mari beltran
Unscene LA
This series of small publications looks at emerging research by architects, landscape architects, artists, water engineers, fire fighters and other collaborative practitioners seeking new frameworks for addressing design, urbanism and landscape urbanism in Los Angeles.
The first pamphlet publication in the series is Unscene LA, which studies complex relationships that exist in the places between wilderness, infrastructure and urbanity. Sites like dams, electricity easements, water culverts and highway embankments cannot be permanently occupied and are defined both by the tensions that make them unplanned, and simultaneously by their vigorous inhabitation by trash, vegetation and migratory species both human and non-human.
Authors: Aja Bulla-Richards, Mari Beltran, Josiah Cain
Wendy Gilmartin, Co-Editor
Anthony Fontenot, Co-Editor
To purchase Unscene LA, click here.
This publication is made possible in part by a grant from Los Angeles County Arts Commission.